15.06 (08/21/17) Fixed white screen after a Close Form.
15.05 (09/27/16) Now works with US/CA QuickBooks 2017.
15.04 (05/09/16) Work around for Fixed Bill Payments Screen Exit that causes Screen White Screen
15.03 (03/17/16) Now works with US/UK/CA and fixed non working Contacts in SDK. Duplicate Records message.
15.02 (11/06/15) Fixed for Contacts enhancements.
15.01 (02/23/15) Can now work with US QuickBooks 2016.
14.14 (12/11/15) Fixed non working Contacts in SDK. Duplicate Records message.
14.13 (02/23/15) Fixed for R8P Contacts enhancements.
14.12 (02/23/15) Can now work with UK QuickBooks 2014 and 2015.
14.11 (01/13/15) Dropped Ship To address information now includes Addr3 and Addr4. Added the ability to create a dropped Ship To Address IIF file.
14.10 (01/06/15) Restored indexes and query links to fix could not delete problem.
14.09 (12/18/14) Removed debugging Stop code left in the program.
14.08 (12/18/14) Adds Description to Long Line Accumulator List
14.07 (12/10/14) Fixes joins in qBillsIDsWithDupRefNumbers query.
14.06 (12/01/14) Fixes error for Descriptions with a leading LF or blank line.
14.05 (11/06/14) Can now work with Canadian QuickBooks 2014 and 2015.
14.04 (10/16/14) Fixed problem of not being able to check boxes on the Choose Items screen.
14.03 (10/03/14) The email transfer file now correctly numbers the lines of data.
13.24 (09/15/14) PO's with both drop ship to and inventory site in the header now transfer ok.
14.02 (09/11/14) From modified data was not being blanked when all dates was chosen on main screen.
14.01 (09/11/14) First release.
13.23 (8/01/14) Switched from UTF to ISO encoding. Can now transfer Purchase Orders that use Site and Location.
13.22 (06/27/14) Can limit Estimates transferred to All, Active Only or Inactive Only. (after meeting all other export criteria)
12.28 (07/30/15) Now works with Reckon Accounts 2015.
12.27 (06/26/14) Now works with Reckon Accounts 2014.
13.21 (06/20/14) Addr 2, 3 and 4 added to long line accumulator to reduce parsing errors. Blank source or destination company names no longer cause an invalid use of null message.
13.20 (05/01/14) Added Preference (#21) to not transfer closed purchase orders.
12.26 (04/29/14) Added Preference (#18) to drop open or manually closed purchase orders and sales orders before import.
13.19 (04/05/14) Can now transfer barcode values.
12.25 (03/13/14) Bypassing Open Amount on Bills and Vendor Credits. This field just started being exported and is not an allowable import field.
13.18 (02/24/14) Description and other lines beginning with a carriage return/line feed character no longer cause a parsing error. Increased lock count for sales order processing.
13.17 02/14/14) Tax items in the body of Sales Orders no longer cause a rejection. Hidden carriage/line feed characters in Addr1 and other fields not longer cause parsing errors.
13.16 (01/23/14). Discount items with a quantity in a item group on an invoice, no longer cause a reject. On transfer of Customer Messages, colons are changed to semi-colons because QuickBooks doesn't allow colons. Added Preference to change or not change colons to semi-colons in customer messages on transactions. Set this Preference to Yes if you transferred Customer Messages using this program so that customer messages in transactions match customer messages in the customer message list. Set this Preference to No (default) if you didn't transfer Customer Messages using this program. Group items without an item on invoices no longer cause a reject. Increased lock count for sales order processing. Expanded address field data to handle GPS coordinates.
12.24 (01/23/14) Expanded address field data to handle GPS coordinates.
12.23 (01/07/14) Now works with Reckon Accounts 2013. Widened description field for discount items exported with sales orders
13.15 (01/06/14) Can now transfer pending build assembly transactions. Widened description field for discount items exported with sales orders. Put Add Class as submenu under the Menus button. Parsing error message now says to use F3 screen to send XML file instead of email transfer file.
13.14 (12/28/13) Fixed "is manually closed" problem when transferring sales orders. Now drops the Notes field which is a duplicate of the first additional notes field.
13.13 (12/24/13) Bypassing blank customer notes which cause a parsing error. No custom fields to import no longer causes an invalid use of null error message.
13.12 (12/23/13) Fixed problem that caused sales reps to be rejected if the entity had a middle name or was other than an employee. Problem was introduced in 13.08. Now imports custom fields in chunks of 10,000 custom fields. Added errors only custom field import report. Error messages on the custom field import report now require fewer lines.
13.11 (12/15/13) Additional Criteria screen provides guidance on how to transfer large lists in chunks instead of all at once and provides a way to check the number of names in a chunk. Now transfers inventory items in blocks of 5000. Allows empty destination company for help with could not start problems with Enterprise 14.
13.10 (12/10/13). On Canadian QuickBooks customers, now transfers separated address information instead of the address block information because QuickBooks wasn't recognizing the bill to postal code in the block. This was causing QuickBooks to add a fake postal code. This also reduced the instances where the address exceeds the available lines. Also on Canada, now changes all sales tax countries to Canada because QuickBooks rejects anything other than Canada. Bypassing Open Amount on Bills and Vendor Credits. This field just started being exported and is not an allowable import field. Nulls the source sales tax preference on exit. Added a where installed screen to the Help menu.
13.09 (11/25/13) No longer bypassing rate and markup percent on Estimate add. Added import of Payments vial Excel.
12.22 (11/25/13) No longer bypassing rate and markup percent on Estimate add. Now warns if missing customers causes chunked export of unpaid invoices from destination company to abort.
13.08 (11/19/13) Now works with CA QuickBooks 2014. Added the ability to transfer Canadian payroll items for wages other than vacation and lists the vacation payroll wage items for manual input. On employee transfer, QuickBooks sets-up employees based on first and last name. This program now changes sales reps to match the name QuickBooks uses when it sets up employees.
13.07 (11/14/13) Now works with UK QuickBooks 2014. Automatically adds a subtotal item if the Preference for Estimates or Sales Orders is set to add subtotals after group items on those transactions. Bypasses quantity on subtotal items.
13.06 (09/23/13) Now works with US QuickBooks 2014. Added Preference to add a subtotal after Group Items on Estimates. Set this to Yes of you have a percent markup on the group total. Now bypassing the rate/markup percent on Estimates which was overriding the transferred amount. Now dropping job data in customers who have jobs. QuickBooks was rejecting these customers.
12.21 (09/09/13) Added Preference to add a subtotal after Group Items on Estimates. Set this to Yes of you have a percent markup on the group total. Now bypassing the rate/markup percent on Estimates which was overriding the transferred amount.
13.05 (09/06/13) Added a Preference which allows either all or only open Sales Orders to be transferred. If not using multicurrency, Bank Transfers will include the full account name instead of just the lowest account name. If using multicurrency now attempts to lookup the full account name on Bank Transfers and if not successful identifies the accounts that needed to be changed. Purchase Orders with a blank quantity now transfer with a quantity of 1. Corrected error message on account import if sub-account type doesn't match existing main account type in destination company (no longer refers to changing account number). Now identifies QuickBooks release number and if using QuickBooks 2013, release R9 or later, no longer corrects for the SDK UM conversion error bug which has been fixed.
12.20 (08/26/13) Added a Preference which allows either all or only open Sales Orders to be transferred.
13.04 (08/23/13). Now works with files using Units of Measure (UM). The QuickBooks SDK still has bugs in its UM transfer process but we created workarounds for these bugs. Warns if UM is turned on in source company but not in destination company. Creates journal entry if Bill Payment Credit Card transactions are not applied to any bills in the source company. Corrected test that checks to see if show lowest sub-account only preferences is selected.
Now reports error message if name on sales rep transfer has already been used with a difference sales rep. Drops and reports ship to addresses over 90, the maximum that can be transferred without causing QuickBooks to abort. Transfers custom fields on group items. Drops Unit of Measure (UM) on items in transactions when the UM belongs to a UM Set other than the UM Set currently assigned to the item in the item list. The drop only occurs when the full item list is exported which it is when inventory adjustments or build assembly transactions are included in the data being transferred. Added Advanced menu which opens screens that can used to change the exported XML data. One of these screens can be used to drop UM (if required) when not automatically dropped because the full item list is not exported.
Reports errors if encountered when exporting unpaid invoices from the destination company for match with receive payment transaction transfers. The amounts on estimates with markup now transfer correctly. Closed sales order lines now transfer with a zero quantity. Added preference which allows all import status reports to be saved. Changed color of dividing lines on main screen from yellow to a light blue.
13.03 (07/10/13) Don't use the R7 release of QuickBooks 2013. Use the R8 or later release. Bank transfers involving non home currency accounts now transfer correctly. Checks build assembly transactions to see if item name also includes the description and tells preference changes needed to export only the item names. The limitations discussed in the second paragraph under 13.02 below still apply.
13.02 (06/18/13) If you have updated to QuickBooks release R7 for QuickBooks 2013, you must use this 13.02 release or later. Don't use release 13.01 from 05/23/12. In addition to working with QuickBooks 2013 release R7 and later, this release no long drops vendor pre-fill accounts and refers to the correct row number to use when sending parsing error reports to the developer. F5 button now opens a screen where reports can be sent to developer and the F3 screen can now be used to send exported XML files to the developer.
However, even with the R7 release from QuickBooks, a lot of the
contact fields on multiple contacts are not being exported and the original date
multiple notes is replaced with the date that the notes are imported into
QuickBooks. QuickBooks is aware of these problems and hopefully they will
be fixed in a later release from QuickBooks.
13.01 (05/23/13) New version QuickBooks 2013. Can now save the list of un-transferred transactions from the Choose Items screen so you can exit the program and resume transferring at a later date. Also can now sort the Choose Item screen by column. Improved the process for saving a backup copy of the destination company just before you transfer data to it. Can switch the Windows default printer from within the program which allows you to easily print reports to a pdf printer. Improved the process for sending saved reports to the developer. Can search for registration information from within the program. Can check for updates and developer news from within the program. Now iterates customer transfers so large volumes can be handled. Warns if transferring data to a closed period. Checks for excess line length on email and file transfer files. Checks for matching sales tax preferences between source and destination companies. Uses the address block where available to reduce the too many lines problem. Saves transfer reports for additional transaction types. Change sort on the Deposit Detail report to match the Import Status report. Added a Class filter. Revised layout of main screen.
12.19 (04/30/13) Fixed problem with optional Add Class feature which which was cycling too many times for transaction types without XML files.
11.21 (03/08/13) Can now transfer UK Credit Memos which were being rejected if they had the Include VAT box checked. This works around a bug in the QuickBooks SDK.
12.18 (02/28/13) Can now transfer UK Credit Memos which were being rejected if they had the Include VAT box checked. This works around a bug in the QuickBooks SDK.
12.17 (02/14/13) Can now transfer receive payments that include an in-house check (not a customer check) without a check number
12.16 (01/26/13) Now includes the ability to Add Classes within the program instead of using the Add-On program. Updated the file copy/restore process.
12.15 (12/24/12) Corrected spelling on Estimate rate/percent bypass. Now handles add or remove serial numbers from existing items.
12.14 (11/12/12) Now works with Canadian QuickBooks 2013. Revised the restore screen to add comments to backed up QuickBooks files.
12.13 (10/25/12) Now works with UK QuickBooks 2013.
11.20 (10/11/12) Now works with AU QuickBooks 2012-13
12.12 (09/22/12) Other1 and Other2 fields on Sales Orders no longer cause an error.
12.11 (09/14/12) Now chunks data when exporting unpaid invoices from the destination company. This improves speed and handles larger volumes of data.
12.10 (08/27/12) Now checks for missing email address for destination company. Build Assembly transactions no longer get added to Choose Items screen. Added forms for XML updating.
12.09 (08/10/12) Other1 and Other2 fields on invoices and sales receipts no longer cause a parsing error. This problem was created in 12.08. On Choose Items screen can now delete checked items. If serial or lot numbers are used, the initial transfer of inventory adjustment and build assembly transactions use a quantity adjustment instead of the value adjustment introduced in 12.08.
12.08 (07/31/12). Custom fields on rows on invoices, sales receipts, PO's and SO's now import with the transaction for improved speed. Fixed problem on Build Assembly cost adjustment transfers where inventory subaccounts are used. Ref numbers on inventory adjustments that include XML special characters no longer cause rejects. Import Status Reports now show error messages for rejected inventory adjustments. Increased size of field for Account Full Name filter. Initial import of build assembly transactions now uses value adjustment (like DTU 11) for improved accuracy.
11.19 (07/31/12) Ref numbers on inventory adjustments that include XML special characters no longer cause rejects. Import Status Reports now show error messages for rejected inventory adjustments.
11.18 (07/27/12) Fixed problem on Build Assembly cost adjustment transfers where inventory subaccounts are used.
12.07 (05/08/12) Private release.
12.06 (05/02/12) Now includes Class when transferring bank transfers and payment discounts. Added preference to exclude credit card information in transactions. This will avoid rejections when the destination company doesn't have merchant services turned on.
11.17 (05/01/12) Now applies a Class to both rows of the transfer and handles XML special characters in the Class name.
11.16 (04/30/12) Now includes Class when transferring bank transfers.
12.05 (03/19/12) Sales tax payment checks without a reference number no longer cause a parsing error. Verifying an incoming email transfer file no longer causes an object variable error message. Export status report is now correctly populated when sales tax payment checks are imported from an email transfer file.
12.04 (03/09/12) Now transfers the Other1 and Other2 fields when transferring Sales Orders.
11.15 (03/09/12) Now transfers the Other1 and Other2 fields when transferring Sales Orders.
12.03 (02/24/12) Now transfers Sales Tax Payment Checks.
10.08 (01/30/12) Group items without items on sales orders no longer cause an update without add problem.
12.02 (12/22/11) Added serial number or lot number to Sales Orders.
12.01 (12/21/11) First release of version 12. Adds the ability to transfer serial number or lot number when using Enterprise with Advanced Inventory turned on. Because of limitations in the QuickBooks Software Development Kit (SDK) , the program currently can't include serial number or lot number on Build Assembly transactions, the required flag and format string on custom fields and the inventory transaction that adds or removes serial number or lot number on existing items.
11.14 (12/21/11) Now includes the Is Finance Charge flag when transferring invoices. Improved the error handling for Build Assembly transactions.
11.13 (11/21/11) Now works with UK QuickBooks 2012.
11.12 (11/16/11) Now works with Canadian QuickBooks 2012. Revised transfer of inventory adjustments and build assembly transactions to accommodate advanced inventory by site. Added new Import Status Reports for inventory adjustments and build assembly transactions. Moved inventory related reports to a new inventory reports menu. Added detail debug capability.
11.11 (11/05/11) Private release with Advanced Inventory by site features.
11.10 (09/09/11) Now notes that the program will work with US QuickBooks 2012. Now encodes special XML characters on all filters, checks for initial space on reference numbers, missing item message now displays when needed, revised test for duplicate account names caused by show lowest subaccount preference, checks for reference numbers exceeding maximum transferable length, checks for missing/duplicate reference number on Item Receipts and Vendor Credits, shows path on build assembly screen and now accepts shorter folder length.
10.07 (08/01/11) Now works with Australian QuickBooks 2011-12. Now checks for duplicate bills and vendor credits on export instead is just duplicate bills.
11.09 (07/25/11) Can now remotely transfer deposits of sale receipts as long as 2 or more sales receipts don't have the same customer, amount and check number. No longer drops long description lines on sales orders. Added preference to subtotal sales orders after group items. Improved is manually closed and fully invoiced process.
11.08 (06/14/11) Fixed problem on Sales Order transfers.
11.07 (06/10/11) Fixed problem with dollar discounts in group items on Sales Orders. Customer mod now includes changes to price level and address note.
10.06 (04/27/11) Now updates the price level setting on customers when updating existing customers. Bypasses is manually closed on percent discount items on sales orders.
11.06 (03/24/11) Bills payment credit card transactions that pay bills linked to purchase orders now transfer correctly.
9.26 (03/18/11) No longer drops sales order group item descriptions that have a blank row in them.
10.05 (02/16/11) Now handles negative rows on credit memos which also have a class on them.
9.25 (02/16/11) Added a preference which allows payments exceeding assigned invoice amounts to be left as an unapplied credit in accounts receivable.
11.05 (02/15/11) Now handles negative rows on credit memos which also have a class on them. Canadian Purchase Orders now correctly include the Service Date before the Sales Tax Code.
10.04 (02/08/11) Canadian Purchase Orders now correctly include the Service Date before the Sales Tax Code.
8.29 (01/28/11) Now handles negative rows on credit memos which also have a class on them.
9.24 (01/28/11) Now handles negative rows on credit memos which also have a class on them.
9.23 (01/11/11) Corrected problem on Credit Memos imported into source file from QuickBooks POS which have a negative payment item on them.
10.03 (01/11/11) Corrected problem on Credit Memos imported into source file from QuickBooks POS which have a negative payment item on them.
11.04 (01/10/11) Corrected problem on Credit Memos imported into source file from QuickBooks POS which have a negative payment item on them.
8.28 (01/05/11) Corrected problem on Credit Memos imported into source file from QuickBooks POS which have a negative payment item on them.
10.02 (12/31/10) Now works with Canadian QuickBooks 2011 and Enterprise 10.
11.03 (12/26/10) No longer shows a parsing error when transferring inventory adjustments containing items with special characters (&,',") in their name.
11.02 (12/10/10) Export Status Report is now complete even for Assembly Items that have a blank row in the list of components.
10.01 (11/01/10) Released version 10 for QuickBooks 2010 and 2011.
9.22 (10/10/10). Changed all text fields on email transfer table to allow zero length strings.
9.21 (10/15/10) Private release.
11.01 (09/22/10) New version to work with QuickBooks 2011 and for 2012 when released in about a year.
9.20 (08/28/10) Excludes list names from sales tax rate comparisons.
9.19 (08/12/10) Now works with UK multicurrency and compares VAT code preferences between the source and destination companies. Restore screen now correctly lists the destination company when opened immediately after a change in the destination company on the main screen. Now handles sub-discount items when limiting discounts on partially shipped sales orders.
9.18 (07/26/10) Fixed bug in the process that identifies transactions with the same sales tax item but with different tax rates. Added UK 2010 capability. Now identifies full account names, where possible, on exported bank transfers thereby eliminating the need to manually change the chart of accounts if any bank transfers affect subaccounts. Receive Payments are now imported in small batches by default. Added date and time to the warning forms. The program now reads credit memos to be applied in less time. Added optional process to create and restore copies of the destination company which can be used to restore to a point prior to the last import. Raw data on the Choose Items screen can now be transferred to Excel.
9.17 (07/12/10) Improved the reports that show differences in sales tax rates in transactions and the rates in the destination company. Now reads the receive payment data to be imported much faster. Credit memos are now correctly applied to credit card refund transactions. Now shows start time for export request processing.
9.16 (07/02/10) Discounts that exceed the un-invoiced amount on sales orders no longer cause a rejection.
9.15 (06/24/10) Now warns if the sales tax rates in sales tax items in the destination company are different than the rates used on sales transactions being transferred. Expanded the Transfer Strategies document to cover sales tax rate differences. Time needed for the program to read the deposits table has been reduced. Added error only detail reports for receive payments and deposits. Select type of data to transfer screen now includes buttons to match the sequencing recommendations in the Transfer Strategies document. Increased max recommended length for the export status report. Main screen now has info sections for transfer strategies, video clips and support.
8.27 (05/20/10) Now works with Australian QuickBooks 2010-11.
9.14 (05/14/09). Transfers are now sorted before creating the Transfer import request eliminating an out balance JE import request that occurred in some cases. Changed button description from floppy transfer to file transfer.
9.13 (04/16/10). If the Preference to update customers is set to yes, the customers custom fields are also now updated if the customers modification was successful. The custom fields import status report now shows info instead of error when the custom fields were not updated because the customer was not added or modified.
9.12 (04/05/10) Canadian purchase orders with item sales tax ref in the header no longer cause a item not found error message.
9.11 (04/02/10) Quantities on discount items in a group on a sales order no longer cause a rejection. Put note to read strategies document on main screen.
9.10 (03/01/10) Updated copyright year on license and about screens.
8.26 (02/6/10) Zero length Memo strings on Purchase Orders no longer cause an error message.
9.09 (02/09/10) Now correctly handles transfer of Deposits that are linked to a Deposit with a cash back amount. Now warns if a date range limitation is used when transferring list names.
9.08 (01/29/10) Added workaround for Canadian QuickBooks which incorrectly shows a transaction type of "???" for ARCreditCardRefund transactions included in Receive Payment and Deposit transactions.
8.25/9.07 (01/25/10) Receive payments with duplicate reference numbers no longer cause a missing return sequence error when using Access 2007.
9.06. (01/04/10) Zero length Memo strings on Purchase Orders no longer cause an error message. Sales Orders with a percent discount and no un-shipped value no longer cause a can't be negative error message.
9.05 (12/01/09) Wording on duplicate invoices screen no longer refers to a correction program. Revised long line accumulator to better maintain formatting.
9.04 (11/27/09) Now checks exported invoices, credit memos and/or statement changes for duplicates across the following 3 fields (customer, date and reference number).
9.03 (11/17/09) Now works with Canadian QuickBooks 2010.
9.02 (10/02/09) Added notes that program works with QuickBooks 2010.
8.24 (07/15/09) Now works with Australian QuickBooks 2009-10 files not using multicurrency. Now correctly handles update of emailed customers whose names include special XML characters. Now saves applied credit memos report.
9.01 (06/30/09) Added the ability to transfer multicurrency transactions.
7.35 (06/13/09) Now handles deposit of Sales Receipts that don't have a reference number on them.
8.23 (06/12/09) The inventory asset account now determined from each item.
8.22 (04/29/09) Now transfers custom fields on Purchase Order and Sales Order transfers.
8.21 (04/24/09) Private release.
7.34 (03/21/09) The memo field in a purchase order can now be a zero length string.
8.20 (03/02/09) No longer receive a reject message when attempting to transfer a Deposit containing a ARRefund transaction with a reference number more than 6 characters long.
8.19 (02/13/09) Canadian Purchase Orders and Item Receipts now include the Sales Tax Code. Canadian transfers no longer include Payroll Item Wage for vacation because the SDK requires an expense account and there isn't any way to enter an expense account for vacation payroll items. Sales tax on a row (instead of at the bottom) of an invoice, sales receipt or estimate no longer causes a reject when using the RatePercent field.
8.18 (02/09/09) No longer shows invalid procedure call when null or hidden characters are encountered in XML data being parsed.
8.17 (02/05/09) Corrected a problem with Bill Payment Check transfers which produced and XML parsing error when there were no unpaid bills that matched the bills paid by the bill payment checks.
8.16 (02/02/09) Provides warning if the total of Bills paid by a Bill Payment Check doesn't equal the check amount (Bill was deleted after the check was written). Provides warning if Receive Payments need to have reference numbers assigned to them for subsequent matching with Deposit transfers. Sales tax on a row (instead of at the bottom) of an invoice or sales receipt no longer causes a reject. Improved export speed for Transfers.
8.15 (11/07/08) Additional changes to Auth preferences to overcome error generated when QuickBooks incorrectly identifies Enterprise as Simple Start.
8.14 (11/04/08) Now handles prefill data.
7.33 (10/11/08) Added Auth preferences to overcome error generated when QuickBooks incorrectly identifies Enterprise as Simple Start.
8.13 (10/09/08) Now checks to see if the "Show lowest subaccount only" box is checked. Revised reject message on missing company email address.
8.12 (09/24/08) Now handles Bank Transfers included in Deposits.
7.32 (09/13/08) On Purchase Orders with group items, now transfers the group item name instead of the group item description.
8.11 (09/09/08). When checking for possible sub accounts on Bank Transfers, now looks at all accounts, not just Bank accounts.
8.10(8/07/08) Now warns when transfer of Bank Transfers includes sub accounts.
8.09 (07/14/08) Added UK 2008 capability with limitations noted on the "Types of Data" page.
7.31 (07/01/08) Fixed invalid procedure call on Sales Orders with carriage return/line feed in the description field. Error was caused by fix made on 06/06/08.
8.08 (06/27/08) Fixed invalid procedure call on Sales Orders with carriage return/line feed in the description field. Error was caused by fix made on 06/12/08.
8.06 (06/24/08) No longer receive an error on Purchase Orders that include a Unit of Measure override. Added Auth preferences to overcome error generated when QuickBooks incorrectly identifies Enterprise as Simple Start.
8.06 (06/17/08) Now works with Canadian QuickBooks 2008 with limitations noted on the "Types of Data" page.
8.05 (06/14/08) Now searches all dates for unpaid invoices when there is no "To Date" entered on the main screen instead searching the current fiscal year and the search limit preferences is set to yes.
8.04 (06/12/08) Fixed invalid procedure call on Sales Orders with carriage return/line feed in customer messages. Can create a Ref Number when Charges don't have a Reference Number and an Item Name on them. Can limit the search for unpaid invoices on a Receive Payment transfer to the "To Date" shown on the main screen. This is controllable by a preference setting. Revised deposit handling to better integrate with Undeposited Funds detail created by Beginning Balance Transfer Utility 8.04 and later.
7.29 (06/06/08) Fixed invalid procedure call on Sales Orders with carriage return/line feed in customer messages.
7.28 (05/28/08) Can create a Ref Number when Charges don't have a Reference Number and an Item Name on them. Can limit the search for unpaid invoices on a Receive Payment transfer to the To Date shown on the main screen. This is controllable by a preference setting.
7.27/8.03 (04/10/08) Now handles blank descriptions on PO transfers.
8.02 (03/05/08) Now correctly handles transaction type Transfer if account numbers are on the source company but not in the destination company.
7.26 (02/29/08) Increased field size on address fields to compensate for XML encoding of special characters.
8.01 (02/28/08) First release. Works with QuickBooks 2008 and 2009. Added ability to transfer Unit of Measurement set, Vehicle, Workers Comp Codes and Vehicle Mileage.
7.25 (02/28/08) Now transfers credit card data on transactions.
7.24 (12/05/07) Now transfers the memo field for each row on miscellaneous deposits.
7.23 (10/29/07) Improved handling for hidden carriage return and line feed characters in text fields. Now creates an error message and opens a form if a Bill being paid by a Bill Payment Check can match more than one Bill in the destination company. Vendor credits now transfer correctly even when they are the only transaction type being transferred. Added totals to Choose Items report. Can print the Choose Items report for only the selected items. Can delete unselected items from the Choose Items screen. Added Bill Payment Checks Detail - Errors Only report. Added duplicate Bills warning screens to the Edit menu choices.
7.22 (09/13/07) Now links Vendor Credits to Bills. Bill Payment Checks can now be linked to transaction types other than Bills. If the Import Status Report contains any errors, a red blinking error message now pops up just below the View Import Report button.
7.21 (09/03/07) Corrected error on transfer of Canadian Purchase Orders and Sales Orders. Default status on Lists transfers is now set to All instead of Active Only. Added helpdesk 206.
5.27 (09/03/07) Now works with Access 2007 and Excel 2007. Bypasses the "Is Adjustment" flag on Journal Entries when not using the Accountants Edition. Added helpdesk 206.
6.07 (08/01/07) Exported data can now be emailed and the print preview window can be close when using Access 2007.
7.20 (07/24/07) Corrected problem with subtotals on Sales Orders.
7.19 (07/20/07) The program was not handling all subtotal items on transactions correctly.
7.18 (07/11/07) Exported data can now be emailed when using Access 2007.
7.17 (07/02/07) The demo version now allows unlimited transfer of list names instead of limiting the number of List names transferred per pass to two of each list type. The demo version still limits the number of Transactions to two of each type per transfer pass. PO and SO transfers no longer include the template name if the transfer template preference is set to no. Changed view method for saved reports to eliminate hyperlink warning when using Vista. Improved error message, when two or more invoices are missing from a Receive Payment transfer.
7.16 (05/29/07) Now handles transfers where a negative pre-build quantity causes QuickBooks to adjust part of the Build cost to Cost of Goods Sold.
7.15 (05/23/07) Corrected problem with transfer of Custom Fields for employees. Problem was in 7.05 to 7.14.
7.14 (05/18/07) Sales Orders are now transferred at the net un-invoiced quantity instead of at the original quantity ordered. Corrected parsing error problem on Purchase Orders with no Shipping Address (since 7.05). Intuit does not provide the Active Status filter for Billing Rate. No longer attempts to automatically setup the Undeposited Funds account on email or floppy transfers.
6.06 (05/10/07) Version 6.05 was released with the Canadian list names instead of the US list names.
7.13 (05/10/07) On Email transfers an error was being created as the program tried to setup needed customs fields ( a feature added on 04/18). Added Billing Rate to list types that can be transferred. Can now transfer Deposits of Sales Receipts with no Customer name which are included in the Undeposited Funds account.
7.12 (05/07/07) The popup screen re Bills needing reference numbers was not popping up on some computers and its modal state was freezing the computer. Changed it to full screen and non-modal.
6.05 (04/30/07) Can now transfer Deposits of Sales Receipts with no Customer name which are included in the Undeposited Funds account.
7.11 (04/25/07) Revised Initial Connection process to use Add/Change buttons on rows 1 and 2.
7.10 (04/24/07) Now pops up a warning screen when a Vendor had two or more Bills with the same Date and Ref Number advising the user to add a Ref Number to these Bills.
7.09 (04/23/07) Deposits and payments are now linked. The Uncleared Transfers account and the manual process of offsetting the Uncleared Transfers account and the Undeposited Funds account is no longer required. If needed, the program can switch to single-use mode which is required when importing Deposits.
7.08 (04/18/07) Automatically transfers Custom Field definitions from the source company to the destination company. If needed, can switch to single-use mode which is required when adding custom filed definitions. The "Other" fields no longer show on the Custom Field Import Status Report since they are imported as part of the transaction they are assigned to. The expiration year on expired credit cards is now set to 2037 to prevent the customer from being rejected on import. Corrected problem on the missing template warning message.
7.07 (03/22/07) Purchase Orders with Item name fields exceeding 50 characters can now be transferred.
6.04 (03/14/07) The expiration year on expired credit cards is now set to 2037 to prevent the customer from being rejected on import.
7.06 (03/10/07) Now identifies any needed templates before data that needs the templates is imported.
7.05 (02/27/07)
a. Purchase Orders no longer transfer as fully open. The quantity on transferred Purchase Orders now equals the quantity ordered minus the quantity received up to the date of transfer. In addition, the description now shows the original quantity ordered and the quantity received up to the date of transfer.
b. The Undeposited Funds account is now automatically created if needed.
c. The IsAdjustment flag is now correctly handled for non Accountant and non Enterprise products.
d. Employee transfers no longer show a warning that Name is not supported.
e. Added the transaction type AR Credit Card Refund.
7.04 (01/03/06) Added hard sort on Bill Payment Credit Card process to eliminate duplicate index problem.
6.03. (12/04/07) Now works with Canadian QuickBooks 2005 to 2007 and Canadian Enterprise 5
7.03 (11/28/06) Can now select by Class on the Choose Items screen. Automatically by passes the "IsAdjustment" flag when using the Pro version which does not support this feature. Now handles check numbers longer than 11 characters on deposits of funds received on Sales Receipts
6.02 (11/21/06) Released version 6 for use with QuickBooks 2006 and 2007. Automatically by passes the "IsAdjustment" flag when using the Pro version which does not support this feature.
5.26 (11/10/06) Check number on deposit transfers is now limited to 11 characters, the max that can be imported.
5.25 (10/28/06) Can now filter data to transfer by Class. See the "Choose Items" screen for this feature. Revised the missing transaction error message for Receive Payments, Bill Payment Checks and Deposits to more clearly refer to the "Detail" reports that show what missing transaction cause the rejects. Demo limitation is now immediately cleared after registration information is entered instead of after restart. Export report of data selected on the Choose Items screen now sorts correctly. Choose Item report now shows which items have been chosen. Added some additional status messages. Deleted reference to 2004 from the Initial Connection screen.
7.02 (10/17/06) Now works with Canadian QuickBooks 2007.
7.01 (10/05/06) Released new version that works with US QuickBooks 2007 and Enterprise 7.
5.24 (09/01/06) Added preference on whether to include the Is Adjustment flag on Journal Entry transfers. QuickBooks Pro users may need to set this preference to "No". Affects US QuickBooks only.
5.23 (08/25/06) Canadian and UK mode no longer tries to pass the Is Adjustment flag on Journal Entry transfers. Revised error messages on Job Type and Sales Rep transfers.
4.28 (08/21/06) Added menus button.
5.22 (08/09/06) Fixed sorting problem.
5.21 (08/05/06) Now include "Is Adjustment" flag on Journal Entries. No longer automatically assign a reference number to Deposits when they are included in Receive Payment transactions and don't have a reference number.
3.21 (07/27/06) added menus form to handle situation where other programs overwrite our custom menus. (3.17 to 3.20 were private label)
5.20 (07/14/06) Now correctly handles zero amount Receive Payments and Deposits of Receive Payments which were created by a Journal Entry. Modified Deposits to ignore ARRefundCreditCard transactions which were causing a silent parsing error and Deposit rejects. Will correct in next version of DTU. Updated online support program for revised IP address.
5.19 (06/22/06) Deposits from Liability Adjustments no longer create a parsing error.
5.18 (06/20/06) Added preference to omit Account Numbers when transferring Accounts. UK reports now show £ instead of £ . Revised missing Undeposited Funds account error message.
5.17 (06/02/06) Added hard sort to program that creates Bill Payment Check transfers.
5.16 (05/31/06) Added preference to transfer the Template name with transactions.
5.15 (05/02/06) The "Amts Inc VAT" field is now correctly set for Items imported into the UK version of QuickBooks.
5.14 (04/29/06) Fixed problem causing an error when the country version of the program was changed.
5.13 (04/26/06) For Invoices, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Estimates, added the ability to handle Group Items with no Items in them.
5.12 (04/22/06) Memos with embedded line feeds, no longer create an invalid procedure call. The verification process for email transfer files no longer kicks off the import process if the last non email transfer was made using the Pro (automatic) mode.
5.11 (04/20/06) Transferred Credit Memos now link to the transactions they were applied to instead of showing as unapplied credits. Some XML error messages have been improved and a reference to the Transfer Strategies document has been added to the Import Status Report.
5.10 (04/07/06) The connection to QuickBooks is now automatically closed after data is imported. Added an optional "Pro" transfer mode that completes an export and import cycle with a single button click. Added a preference to mark fully shipped Sales Orders as "Closed" and Billed Time transactions as "Unbillable". There isn't any way to transfer the quantity shipped on Sales Orders or the Billed status on a Time transactions and these preferences provide the next best alternative. Made some of the error messages more readable. Also, non-posting accounts and Item Payment rejects now show as Info instead of as an error.
5.09 (03/01/06) Line breaks in multi-line descriptions in QuickBooks 2006 are now maintained. Sales Receipts with group items with no items are now handled correctly.
5.08 (02/22/06) Added QuickBooks UK capability. Also now handles Statement Charges descriptions longer than 255 characters. Added Bill Payment Credit Card Transaction capability for Canadian QuickBooks.
5.07 (02/16/06) Now removes the read only attribute from 2006 files so the optional file duplication process can function.
5.06 (02/13/06) Added the ability to transfer Bill Payment Credit Card Transactions (US only).
5.05 (11/28/05) Added Canadian QuickBooks capability.
5.04 (10/06/05) Bill Payment Check transfers now include the "Memo" field.
5.03 (09/30/05) Account Numbers in Use with a Name Mismatch are now shown with an Info status message if the account name (with no number or a different number) is in the destination company.
5.02 (09/21/05) Account Numbers in Use with a Name match are now included in the Transferred History file that is maintained during each transfer session. The Import Status Report now shows Account Numbers in Use with a Name match as an Info status message.
5.01 (09/17/05) Released version 5 for QuickBooks 2005 and 2006. New features include "Choose Items" and "Duplicates Watch". See the video clips for more information on these features. Also added a new report showing which "Account Number In Use" errors can be ignored and which required further action.
4.27 (07/14/05) Beginning with version 4.27, DTU can update the customer information in the destination file if the customer information being transferred from the source company has a later modification date than the customer information in the destination company. To turn this feature "On", click Edit>Preferences and change the update preference to "Yes". This option applies only to customers and not to other lists such as vendors, items etc. It also currently only applies to the US version of QuickBooks.
4.26 (06/09/05) Added Item Receipts to the types of data that can be transferred.
4.25 (05/30/05) Added Australian capability. Name in use message changed from error to info. Revised error message when opening destination company if source company was running before DTU opened a session with it (Begin session not called error message). Added exchange rate to Receive Payment transactions. Still need exchange rate for bill payment checks and deposits (not in SDK).
3.16 (05/25/05) Cash Flow Classification now omitted from Account Add. SDK doesn't allow import of this data.
4.24 (03/29/05) The program now checks to see if the Undeposited Funds account in the destination company is the special QuickBooks automatically created account or not.
4.23 (03/09/05) Some Credit Card Charges and Credits downloaded from banks import a 12 digit Ref Number into QuickBooks. On transfer of these charges/credits, the Ref Number is reduced to 11 digits, the maximum allowed on XML imported Charges and Credits.
4.22 (02/09/05) The program no longer drops the Service Date field which can be added to invoice templates.
4.21 (01/28/05) Added a new Preferences submenu option under the Edit menu. The new Preferences menu has options to keep the existing reference number for imported invoices and estimates or have QuickBooks assign a new reference number for them on import.
4.20 (01/11/05) Sales Orders using group items, now display correctly on the export status report.
4.19 (12/10/04) Invoice description spacing is maintained where parts of the description are on separate lines. Added sequence number to Exported JE's report. Added report showing errors other than the "Name is already in use" error. Added ability to work with UK version of QuickBooks.
4.18 (12/01/04) Voided Journal Entries can now be transferred without generating an XML error.
4.17/3.15 (11/29/04) Now allows transactions to be transferred by modification date.
4.16 (11/11/04) Corrected problem that locked out Canadian QuickBooks 2005 users.
4.15 (11/03/04) Updated Initial Connection screen for the new streamlined connection procedure available in QuickBooks 2005. Also added Connecting to QuickBooks 2005 help document.
4.14 (10/26/04) Export/Import reports now show the account number on Accounts. Removed un-needed code numbers from error messages. Numbered rows on main screen and expanded outline boxes.
4.13 (09/27/05) Added the ability to work with QuickBooks 2005. Also rejected custom field data with a name containing an apostrophe no longer cause an error.
4.12 (09/22/04) Added the ability to transfer the transaction type Transfer. This transaction type cannot be emailed, only uses the transaction date filter and works only if the accounts on the transfer are not subaccounts. Also fixed a problem which added an extra space before and after account names containing an ampersand (&).
4.11 (09/16/04) Added the ability to transfer custom field data.
4.10/3.14 (08/18/04) revised Currentdb function so the error messages are not generated when using Access 2003.
2.983 (08/12/04) Unblocked mod date filter for transactions.
4.09 (06/08/04) The program now allows Received Payments to be applied to customer charges created by Journal Entry. Any Journal Entries creating customer charges must be numbered so the payments can be applied properly.
4.08 (05/22/04) If the Reference Number on Statement Charges is blank, calculates and assigns a 11 digit Reference Number. Statement Charges transferred with prior versions have a 6 digit number which wasn't always unique. If you transferred Statement Charges with a prior version of this program or with Beginning Balance Transfer Utility 4.06 and prior, you will need to transfer any Receive Payments against those previously transferred Statement Charges using version 4.07 or prior of this program or transfer those payments manually.
3.13 (05/22/04) Corrected problem which caused some Receive Payment transactions to be imported more than once.
4.07 (05/21/04) Corrected problem which caused some Receive Payment transactions to be imported more than once.
3.12 and 4.06 (05/06/04) Memo fields now transfer correctly on Receive Payment and Deposit transactions.
4.05 (04/28/04) On email/floppy transfers the Verify step no longer returns an error message when looking for subtotal items and additional deposit data. Also now handles customer messages beginning with a zero length line.
4.04 (02/27/04) Corrected problem with the Active Only filter.
3.11 (02/18/04) Corrected problem with the Active Only filter.
4.02/3.10 (01/14/04) Added version information to reports. Changed version 4 to include changes made in versions 3.05, 3.08 and 3.09.
3.09 (01/12/04) Purchase cost now transfers on Item transfers.
3.08 (12/26/03) Revised email transfer import so that additional transfer files can be imported without restarting the utility.
3.07 (12/18/03) Revised version 3 to work with QuickBooks 2004.
3.06 (12/16/03) Added the ability to work with Australian QuickBooks.
3.05 (11/25/03) Corrected problem with True test (French/Canadian users only) and added country preference to main screen so a single copy of version 3 will work with both US and Canadian editions of QuickBooks.
4.01 (11/21/03) Same changes as version 3.04 below.
3.04 (11/20/03) Modified floppy and email transfer files to handle data strings longer that 255 characters.
4.00 (11/12/04) for use with QuickBooks 2004.
3.03 CA (10/29/03) Released Canadian Edition with the same capabilities as US 3.03.
3.03 US (8/27/03) After updating it QB 2003 R7P, users were receiving an error message (#3140) that ended with "You cannot set the amount for items of this type." Prior to R7P we included subtotal amounts from invoices etc (with subtotals on them) in the data transferred to the destination company. With R7P, Intuit does not allow the subtotal amount to be transferred and we have eliminated the subtotal amount (not the subtotal row, just the amount on the subtotal row) from the data transferred but the description on these rows must be Subtotal or Total for this to work correctly. However, any subtotal amounts are recalculated by QuickBooks in the import process and if your invoices etc. had subtotals on them in the source company they will have the same subtotals on them in the destination company.
3.02 and 2.982 US (8/21/03) Corrected overflow problem on receive payments and bill payment checks.
3.01 US (8/07/03) Corrected deposit subtotaling problem. Added ability to view/print prior reports.
3.00 (7/17/03) US. Version 3 released. Works only with 2003 to take advantage of features available only in that product.
2.981 (7/17/03) US. Now saves, last 3 reports for analytical use and logs processing messages.
2.98 (7/02/03) US version. Added Notes to the data transferred with Time Tracking Transactions.
2.97 (6/25/03) US version. Added the ability to handle Group items in Purchase Orders and Credit Memos..
2.96 (6/24/03) US version. Fixed problem with long description lines in Group items and Group items used on invoices and other transactions.
2.95 (6/12/03) US version. Modified Receive Payment transfers to include customer payments not applied to invoices. Added ability to transfer employee Time transactions. Modified account names in transferred journal entries to replace XML meta characters with the correct characters. Now drop classes from subtotal type rows with description of total in addition to description of subtotal.
2.93 (05/24/03) US version. Added the ability to transfer Receive Payment transactions. Changed date input mask on the main screen accept either 2 or 4 digit years, Fixed numbering problem with imported checks and zero lines in journal entries are now bypassed. Added beeps signaling completion of export or import processing.
2.9 (3/12/03) Released Canadian version.
2.9 (2/27/03) Name changed to Data Transfer Utility
2.81 (2/8/03) US version. Changed email of sdklog file to accept zero length strings.
2.8 (2/7/03) US version. Improved explanation of date selection boxes and added ability to copy the office QuickBooks file to a laptop for easier synchronization. Added a run once screen to help in the first use of the program. Can now email sdklog file to developer for troubleshooting. On connection, automatically updates the source or destination field, if blank.
2.7 (1/29/03) US version. Date selection can now be made from the main screen. Improved processing status messages. Corrected minimum requirements shown in the install program to say 2002 instead of 2003. Corrected problem with custom fields (affects 2003 only). Drop job info from customers who have jobs. Corrected problems with multi-line vendor message on PO's and spacing in group items.
2.6 (1/06/03) Canadian version. Additional information on processing status.
2.5 (12/23/02) corrected problem with multi-line descriptions beginning with a blank line.
2.4 (12/20/02) fixed a bug introduced in version 2.3 where import errors were no longer being reported on the import status report. Added the ability transfer all remaining types of list data.
2.3 (12/18/02) corrected a problem with some stand alone descriptions on invoices. Includes a bug fixed in 2.4 above.
2.2 (8/29/02) added the ability to transfer checks and sales receipts and the ability to transfer data by floppy disk.
2.1 (8/5/02) added the ability to transfer estimates and purchase orders. In addition, the dates on export and import status reports now show either the date modified or transaction date.
2.0 (7/31/02) changed the program to handle multi-line product descriptions on invoices.