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Merge Customers



The Merge Customers program allows you to merge customer names and related transactions into a generic customer. This is helpful if you have reached the limit on the number of customer names allowed. The program locates customers with no sales in a user enter date range and merges them into a user selected generic customer.

NOTE: For QuickBooks 2008 only, this program can't merge customers who have the same Ship To address name such as "Ship To 1". This limitation does not apply to QuickBooks 2009 and later.

System Requirements:

1. Pro or higher versions of QuickBooks 2008 and later or Enterprise Solutions 8 and later.  (See the "Download/Purchase" page for more information.)

2. Microsoft Access 2000 - 2010 or the Microsoft Access Runtime engine which can be downloaded from the "How to Buy" page at no cost.  

3. Windows XP, 2000, Vista, Windows 7.


If you have any questions or comments about this program, contact us at karl@q2q.us


QuickBooks is a registered trademark and service mark of of Intuit, Inc. in the United States and other countries. This program is designed for use with the Pro and higher versions of QuickBooks 2008 and later or Enterprise Solutions 8 and later. (See the "Download/Purchase" page for more information.)

Copyright 2006-2015 by Pat Frost