Support Options
1. Free email support.
We provide 60 days of free email support from the date of purchase to resolve any and all problems regarding the use of our software. Our support email address is To help resolve problems:
1. Tell us the name and version of our software that you are currently using. This information is displayed at the top of the programs main screen
2. Tell us which year, edition and release level of QuickBooks you are using. Press F2 while in QuickBooks to see this information.
3. Send us screenshots of any error messages encountered. To email a screen shot of an error message:
a. Press the PrtScrn key while looking at the error message.
b. Open Microsoft Word or Excel and click Edit>Paste.
c. Then click File>Send To>Mail Recipient and enter
4. If a report contains any error messages you don't understand, you can email the report to us by clicking Support>Send Reports to Developer or by Clicking F5.
5. An overview of what your are doing (merging files, splitting files, starting a new file or ??)
2. Phone Support
Phone support can be purchased for $45 for each 15 minutes. To purchase phone support, click on the Buy Now button below. Payments can be charged to your PayPal account or to your Credit Card. After we receive your payment, we will send you an email with instructions on how to download our remote support program and contact us. Phone support is available between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM M-F and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. (all times are Central times in the U.S.)
Telephone Support - 15 minutes |
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